
Very quick about me: I'm 27, British, and attempting to write a novel.  This blog is a place to marshall some thoughts on the writing process and generally lament that honing a craft is hard.

Bit more: I've been writing since I was but knee high to a small insect, staying up late to work on a story for my Brownie badge in writing (first one I ever got, oh the pride).  I got through the teenage pain/fun of writing to escape, filling notebooks with ideas and stories - most of which are best lost to the world.  Since then I've been trying to take writing seriously and craft something halfway decent, though this is something I'm still definitely working on.

Primarily I write young adult, usually with a paranormal or fantasy twist.  I can be very lazy about my writing but I'm trying to change that.  I hope you find something useful here, even if it's a link to someone who has a better idea how to do this writing thing than me.