Friday 9 October 2009

Book addiction

Goodreads is far too addictive, could easily waste hours on there adding books (like all my Terry Pratchetts, which I've just done) or playing the trivia game (which shows that I've gleaned a good working knowledge of books I've never read - how to blag your way through an English degree).

But then I get wondering about some books which I'm not adding, or books which I should add as some sort of "well, I *own* it even if I haven't *read* it" - on this list stick almost everything that's won the Booker in the last fifteen years, a ton of literary stuff I picked up in 3 for 2s or second hand shops (why yes I will try some Ishiguro if it's £1.50). Also other books which I should have read, either because they're classics or because they formed part of the curriculum at schools I didn't go to, or because all my friends have read them. And then I stare at my bookshelves and wonder how much stuff lurks behind the double stacking which I'd love to read but which I don't get to.

This is rambling. And yet another way to avoid getting on with The Novel of Doom (as it has now been renamed; may leave it like that, it's catchy). Have to restart whole thing from beginning, change plot, add new character, kill off a character mid-book rather than pre-book and generally look towards NaNo as a time to work on a shiny new thing. But then by about November 15th I'll be wanting another shiny new thing to work on because I'm getting annoyed with NaNo Project. Ah, fickleness.

Was going to avoid posting a video, but (slight swearing):

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