Tuesday 17 August 2010

"I'm in shock - look, I have a blanket"

I was going to attempt to write an in depth, thoughtful post on planning/outlining versus winging it/praying it all holds together, but that will take time and I managed to slice my left index finger with a bread knife yesterday* so typing is hard/painful. So, instead, some (short) random:

- The fabulous Stephanie Perkins is doing a giveaway on her blog for her novel, Anna and the French Kiss (link is to the UK Amazon page, because you can get it from there). Even though I have pre-ordered, I am still after a free copy, hence this promo of the giveaway (could that be put any more bluntly? Ah well).
- I have written more of my book, though that is going to slow down owing to painful finger/my stupidity.
- Mark Reads Harry Potter is made of awesome. Partly because it just is, but mostly because he hasn't read the books before and he doesn't know many spoilers so it's a bit like going back to when you first read them - with the added joy/pain of someone loving characters you know JKR is going to kill without the knowledge of their fate.
- Also awesome: picspam from BBC's Sherlock. I had not known Benedict Cumberbatch was so pretty until this aired. I did however know that Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss were creative gods.

* Why yes I am a clumsy idiot who would make Bella Swann fear for my safety - well, maybe not that bad, but it was still an act of stupidity.

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